Reflecting on historic season from men’s and women’s soccer
SPORTS EDITOR – OTONIEL GONZALEZ DE LEON ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 22, 2022 With the fall semester coming to an end, soccer is now one of the hottest topics around the world sports-wise. As of today, we are just two weeks away from what is known as the historic World Cup. It is the first […]
Read More...San Antonio Celebrates Native American Heritage Month
CONTRIBUTING WRITER – SEBASTIAN AGUILAR ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 10, 2022 What once started as a project to earn a day to honor the first Americans that inhabited the United States is now a month- long celebration. Native American heritage month lasts throughout the entire month of November and aims to recognize Native American heritage. […]
Read More...The Song and Story of La Malinche: Exhibit at the SAMA
ARTS AND CULTURE EDITOR – SOPHIA KUSSEL ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 10, 2022 Oct. 14, 2022 – Jan. 08, 2023, The San Antonio Museum of Art will be holding the exhibit; Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of La Malinche. This exhibit is the first to take a comprehensive look into the story of La Malinche, […]
MANAGING EDITOR – DIDIER CADENA ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 12, 2022 St. Mary’s University season of theater is upon us. The first of four plays will take place over the 2022-2023 school year. The first theater production of the semester, “The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa,” kicked things off with a resounding success. “The Shrunken […]
Read More...Nothing Stays the Same: Thanksgiving in the Modern Age
ARTS AND CULTURE EDITOR – SOPHIA KUSSEL ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 10, 2022 Thanksgiving is an annual celebration that both the United States and Canada recognize as a National Holiday. The modern incarnation of Thanksgiving’s design takes inspiration from the “first Thanksgiving,” which took place between the English colonists and the Wampanoag people in 1621. […]
The personal essay and its implentations by students to write for themselves
MANAGING EDITOR – DIDIER CADENA ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 10, 2022 Sometimes for a writer, it becomes difficult to write about things that concern yourself. So often are writers taught to shy away from being personal and consider themselves a part of their work, it gets to the point where they can no longer write […]
Read More...Huracán Julia ocasiona serios estragos en Centroamérica durante varios días
ARIETTE ARAGÓN & ÁLVARO ARCIA PUBLICADO ORIGINALMENTE EL 10 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2022 La temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico en el año 2022 se extiende desde el 1ro de junio hasta el 30 de noviembre, y en lo que lleva de esta temporada hasta ahora, se han reportado múltiples huracanes catastróficos. Estas catástrofes climáticas […]
Read More...El Día de la Seguridad Informática y algunos tips para navegar con seguridad
EDITOR DE ESPAÑOL – ÁLVARO ARCIA Nuestro calendario está constituido por una vasta cantidad de efemérides, algunas más conocidas y celebradas que otras, pero no por eso la relevancia de aquellas que no son nombradas tan a menudo se debe ver mermada. De hecho, muchas de las efemérides escasamente reconocidas tienen vigencia en el mundo […]