Celebrating World Cultures with International Education Week at St. Mary’s
NEWS EDITOR – ASHTON JEFFERS ORGINALLY PRINTED ON ONV 28, 2022 Want to get away before the holidays? Students, faculty and staff can look further with the many activities and events planned during International Education Week. Between Nov. 14 and Nov. 18, St. Mary’s welcomed International Educational Week (IEW) for the first time in a […]
Read More...Lunch Honors the First-Gen College Student Experiences
NEWS EDITOR – ASHTON JEFFERS ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 28, 2022 On Nov. 8, St. Mary’s had its first First-Generation College Celebration, highlighting the student experience of those who are the first in their families to attend college and earn their degrees. It is the first event celebrating the first-generation experience hosted as a group […]
Reflecting on how major of a year 2022 was, from the viewpoint of students
MANAGING EDITOR- DIDIER CADENA ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 28, 2022 As the 2022 year ends, it is important to look back and reflect upon what the year meant for so many students. So much happened during this year, the return of the legendary Oyster Bake, many classes returning to full capacity and so much more. […]
Read More...Gun violence and deaths in the United States
DANIEL MATHEU – CONTRIBUTING WRITER ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 28, 2022 According to the Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, American citizens have the right to bear arms. Society as we know it today had just begun to form when the government decided to enact the law in 1791. Considering the state of such a […]
Read More...The realities and consequences of social media marketing
OPINION EDITOR- MARIANA CHAMORRO ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 28, 2022 Being an influencer with a large following comes with more responsibility than one may think. The whole point of being a successful influencer is to have enough power to influence people to purchase merchandise or follow trends you promote. There are countless types of influencers. They may vary […]
Read More...The motives for the United State’s legal drinking age of 21
COPY EDITOR – THERESA MULLER ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 28, 2022 Various attributes set the United States apart from other countries, such as its type of government and values. One issue that stands out from the rest, as it’s highly debated, is its minimum legal drinking age (MLDA). The United States is currently among 11 […]
Read More...Jeffrey Dahmer: Monster and the true crime controversies
OPINION EDITOR- MARIANA CHAMORRO ORIGINALLY PRINTED ON NOV 24 2022 Recently, in the media and on TV, there has been a surge in the popularity of true crime. The newest true crime show bases itself on the notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. It is the second retelling of his story in the last five years. […]